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Illinois DUI Penalties and the Summary License Suspension Law
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI) is a serious criminal offense in the state of Illinois and offenders are actively sought out...
Illinois DUI Penalties and the Summary License Suspension Law
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI) is a serious criminal offense in the state of Illinois and offenders are actively sought out...
Volkswagen Scandal: Vehicles Affected and Eligibility
The Volkswagen scandal is moving at a rapid pace. VW has set aside 7.3 billion dollars for costs associated with the fallout from their clean...
Have you been Injured by a Faulty Ignition Switch on your Vehicle?
Every time you get into a motor vehicle, you run the risk of serious accidents and personal injuries. Because of the substantial dangers of car...
Tips to avoid a DUI in Illinois
The best way to prevent being suspected or charged with a DUI is to never drink any alcohol or consume any drugs prior to driving....
Pardon Me? Your guide to understanding executive clemency in the State of Illinois
If you or someone you know is interested in a pardon, more formally called a petition for executive clemency, here is some good news. In...
Juvenile Expungement in Illinois
Juvenile expungement is governed by 705 ILCS 405/5-915. The statute can be found here http://www.ilga.gov/legislation/ilcs/fulltext.asp?DocName=070504050K5-915. Pursuant to this statute, all juvenile law enforcement and court...
David Lawler Appointed to Board of Trustees of Marion Carnegie Library
Congratulations to Attorney David W. Lawler on his recent appointment to the Board of Trustees of the Marion Carnegie Library. Attorney Lawler is filling the...
New Attorney and new office location
Adam B. Lawler Law Firm, LLC is pleased to announce the addition of a new attorney, David Lawler. David formerly worked as an Assistant State’s...
New Attorney And New Office Location
Adam B. Lawler Law Firm, LLC is pleased to announce the addition of a new attorney, David Lawler. David formerly worked as an Assistant State’s...