By Adam B. Lawler | April 13, 2016

Are You Eligible For Southern Illinois Boot Camp?

Are You Eligible For Southern Illinois Boot Camp? What is Boot Camp? The Illinois impact incarceration program, more commonly referred to as "boot camp"[1], is a program within the Illinois Department of Corrections that allows eligible offenders sentenced to prison the opportunity to significantly reduce their amount of time served in prison. It is referred to as boot camp because the program is run like a military style boot camp. Most offenders entering the program are not able to get felony probation for a variety of reasons and are, therefore, facing a prison sentence. Boot camp a 120 day program, allows its successful participants to be home after approximately 6 months, rather than serve the actual sentence with which they initially entered the Illinois Department of Corrections. Boot Camp Eligibility for Carbondale Residents Eligibility for the Illinois boot camp program depends on several factors. The most common include the following:
  1. The person cannot be older than 35 years of age,
  1. Certain criminal offenses are excluded, such as any class X offense, certain crimes of violence, and sexual assault crimes,
  1. The sentence imposed cannot exceed 8 years, and
  1. The person must be physically and mentally fit.
It is also important to understand that the person will enter the Illinois Department of Corrections with a "recommendation" from the judge that he/she be placed within the impact incarceration program. The Department of Corrections has final approval of the placement of the person into the boot camp program. It is very uncommon, though, for a recommended and eligible person not to be placed into the program. An unsuccessful participant will likely have to serve the prison sentence they entered into the Department of Corrections with. Southern Illinois Boot Camps The Illinois Department of Corrections operates two adult boot camps and one juvenile camp. The adult camps are located at the DuQuoin State Fairground in Perry County, and at Dixon Springs, at the edge of the Shawnee National Forest in deep southern Illinois.  Adult inmates must volunteer before the judge and the placement recommendation by the judge is reviewed when the inmate is received at Corrections. Corrections retains the right to determine who goes to boot camp based on the nature of the crime and whether the inmate can take the regimentation both physically and mentally as the camp is 120-days in length. Call a Southern Illinois Defense Attorney If you or someone you loved has been arrested or charged with a crime, it is important to speak to the attorneys at the Lawler Brown Law Firm today to discuss the best defense possible to present at trial based on the specifics of the situation. In the event of a guilty finding, our attorneys can discuss sentencing including possible eligibility for Southern Illinois Boot Camp.  Call today for a free consultation at 618-993-2222. References: [1]

Adam B. Lawler

Attorney at Law / Partner

Adam Lawler is the founder of Lawler Brown. Adam is a 2004 graduate of Saint Louis University School of Law. Adam worked for a local firm until founding the Lawler Brown in 2009. Adam’s practice areas focus in Personal Injury, Business, Real Estate, Probate/Trust/Estate Administration and general litigation.

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