Car crashes do not happen for mysterious reasons. They always have a cause, and 94 percent of the time the cause is driver-related. This does not mean that 94 percent of car crashes result from negligence. Some driver-related causes result in unavoidable crashes. For example, about 20,000 accidents per year result from a driver’s medical event such as a stroke, heart attack, or seizure. Here is an overview of why car crashes happen and who bears liability for those crashes.
Causes of Car Crashes
The U.S. National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) collects traffic crash data from all over the country to study the causes of car crashes. This helps policy-makers pass laws or enact programs to reduce the number of crashes. It also helps engineers develop safer roads and vehicles. Most importantly, you can use this information to avoid car crashes. Knowing the common causes of car crashes can help you avoid them and minimize your risk of injury or death. The following are the three types of car crashes tracked by the NHTSA.Driver-Related Causes
Driver-related crashes account for about 94 percent of crashes. Liability for driver-related crashes usually falls on the driver who committed the error. Thus, you and your car crash lawyer can pursue compensation from a driver who caused a distracted driving crash. The NHTSA breaks down driver-related crashes into a few categories.#1. Recognition Errors
Recognition errors happen when a driver fails to identify a possible hazard. Distracted driving is the most common form of recognition error. When you drive with your eyes or mind occupied by something besides driving, you risk missing possible hazards. This will slow down your reaction time and could lead to a crash. In Illinois, about 3.5 percent of traffic deaths and 5.2 percent of traffic injuries result from distracted driving. Another form of recognition error occurs due to improper surveillance. Some examples include changing lanes without checking your blind spots or turning without watching the crosswalk. Recognition errors cause about 845,000 car crashes in the U.S. every year.#2. Decision Errors
Decision errors happen when you recognize the situation but mistakenly use that information. Some examples of decision errors include:- Speeding
- Driving too fast for road conditions
- Taking a turn too fast
- Misinterpreting another driver’s actions
- Misjudging the distance to an obstacle or vehicle
- Incorrectly judging another vehicle’s speed
- Mistiming a traffic light
- Making an illegal maneuver
#3. Performance Errors
Performance errors happen when drivers fail to control their vehicles. Performance errors can result from mistakes while braking, steering, or accelerating, such as:- Oversteering
- Understeering
- Overcorrecting
- Not braking hard enough to avoid a collision
- Not accelerating fast enough to merge into traffic
#4. Non-Performance Errors
Non-performance errors happen when you cannot react to a hazard. The two most common non-performance errors result from drowsiness and medical events. The NHTSA's study did not track intoxicated driving as a separate category. Instead, it categorized crashes caused by intoxicated driving according to the error resulting from the intoxication. For example, if an intoxicated driver fell asleep at the wheel, the NHTSA categorized the cause as a non-performance error. If the same drunk driver had crashed while running a red light, the NHTSA would have categorized the cause of the crash as a decision error. In either case, a car accident lawyer can pursue injury compensation from the drunk driver for any injuries you suffered in the crash. In 2020, nearly 20 percent of fatal crashes in Illinois involved alcohol.Vehicle-Related Causes
Only about 2 percent of car crashes in the U.S. result from vehicle-related problems. But due to the volume of car crashes across the country, vehicle problems still cause about 44,000 crashes each year. The most common causes of vehicle-related car crashes in order of frequency include:- Tires and wheels
- Brakes
- Steering or suspension
- Engine or transmission
Environment-Related Causes
Roads and weather cause about 52,000 car crashes every year. Bear in mind that the NHTSA categorizes an accident as environment-related if the primary cause of the accident arose from the road or weather conditions. Thus, an accident that happened because a speeding driver hit a patch of black ice would likely get categorized as a driver-related crash because the primary cause was speeding. But if the same crash happened to a driver driving at a safe speed for the icy conditions, the NHTSA would categorize the crash as environment-related. Some examples of environment-related crashes include those caused by:- Icy or wet roads
- Glare
- View obstructions
- Precipitation or fog
- Wind
- Poor road design