By Adam B. Lawler | July 20, 2023

What to Do After a Car Accident Injury

What to Do After a Car Accident Injury

Car crashes can be traumatic and overwhelming, particularly if you or your loved ones suffer injuries. While each state's laws vary when it comes to determining fault, injured parties typically seek compensation from the insurance company of the driver responsible for the crash or through their insurance coverage. Important steps, such as seeking immediate medical attention and consulting a car accident attorney, can help you navigate this process. With an attorney's help, you can focus on healing instead of the legalities that seeking just compensation entails.

Why Do You Need Prompt Medical Attention?

Prioritize your health and well-being after a car crash injury. Even if you believe that your injuries are minor, seek prompt medical attention. Some injuries may not be immediately obvious but could show up later and result in long-term complications if you do not receive treatment. Obtaining medical care also creates a record of your injuries and any care and treatments you receive, which are critical details in a car accident claim. Your car accident lawyer can use your medical records and information to demonstrate the extent of your injuries and their effect on your daily activities and ability to work. These elements support your compensation claim. Timely and thorough documentation of your injuries provides clear evidence of the harm you suffer due to the crash.

Why Do You Need to Consult an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer?

After a car crash injury, a consultation with a professional car accident lawyer improves your likelihood of obtaining compensation from insurance companies and other parties for expenses and lost income resulting from your injuries. They can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the legal process, ensuring the protection of your rights. Car accident lawyers can assist you by:
  • Understanding the statute of limitations: This specifies how long you have to file a car accident injury claim, which varies from state to state. Your lawyer can help you navigate this deadline to ensure your claim is valid.
  • Negotiating with insurance companies: A skilled car accident lawyer knows how to deal with insurance adjusters who may try to downplay or deny your claim.
  • Estimating a fair settlement value: Your lawyer can accurately calculate the compensation you deserve based on medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering.
  • Representing you in court: Your lawyer can take your case to trial if necessary, fighting for the full compensation you deserve.
Consulting a car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your crash saves you time and effort, protects your rights, and maximizes your chances of a favorable outcome.

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Keep Good Records

Records of your expenses and lost income after a car crash support your car accident claim. Your lawyer can use these records to calculate damages and show the financial impact of your injuries. Records you should keep include:
  • Paid and unpaid medical bills and receipts for prescription and over-the-counter medications, medical supplies, therapies, and equipment.
  • A list of your visits to healthcare providers, including specialists and physical therapists.
  • Pay stubs, timesheets, or other documentation to verify lost income due to your inability to work.
Your lawyer can help you identify helpful information to gather in support of your car accident claim, such as police reports and witness accounts. Thorough records can improve your chances of obtaining maximum compensation for your injuries and related expenses.

Avoid Discussing the Crash

Never discuss your car crash and injury with anyone other than your lawyer. Avoid sharing details of the crash on social media or with friends and family, as this could jeopardize your claim. It is also not advisable to converse with another driver's insurance company. While they may contact you, there is no legal obligation for you to talk with them. Risks associated with discussing your crash include:
  • Misinterpretation: Other parties may misunderstand your comments, posts, and online conversations or take them out of context. Insurance companies or lawyers arguing for the other party may use these statements against you to lower the value of your claim or show you were at fault.
  • Privacy concerns: Insurance companies and lawyers may be able to access information online, even through private social media accounts, and use this information against you.

Be Patient

Car accident claims can take time to resolve, and being patient is key to the process. Factors such as the severity of your injuries, the complexity of the crash, and the negotiation process with insurance companies and other parties can extend the time it takes to resolve your claim. Here are some tips for navigating this period:
  • Trust your lawyer: Your car accident lawyer will work hard on your behalf to secure the best possible outcome for your case. You can rely on their knowledge, expertise, and guidance as your claim progresses. Keep an open line of communication throughout this period.
  • Focus on your recovery: During this time, let your lawyer manage your claim while you prioritize your physical and emotional well-being. This can benefit your overall health and support your claim by demonstrating the ongoing impacts of the crash on your life.
  • Stay organized: Organize your records and documents, and ensure they are easily accessible to help your lawyer effectively manage your case.
Patience during the legal process allows your lawyer the necessary time to build a strong case on your behalf, negotiate with insurance companies, and get the most compensation possible.

Obtain the Most Compensation After a Car Crash Injury

Southern Illinois Personal Injury Lawyers
Car Accident Lawyer, Adam B. Lawler
Knowing what to do after a car crash injury allows you to protect your rights and improves your chances of receiving fair compensation. Seeking prompt medical attention and consulting a car accident lawyer ensures the professional and timely management of your case. Your lawyer can advise you on legal matters relating to your claim and guide and support you throughout the legal process. Following these steps after a car crash injury can lead to a better outcome, allowing you to focus on your recovery and moving forward with your life.

Adam B. Lawler

Attorney at Law / Partner

Adam Lawler is the founder of Lawler Brown. Adam is a 2004 graduate of Saint Louis University School of Law. Adam worked for a local firm until founding the Lawler Brown in 2009. Adam’s practice areas focus in Personal Injury, Business, Real Estate, Probate/Trust/Estate Administration and general litigation.

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